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Transduced Tat-DJ-1 protein inhibits cytokines-induced pancreatic RINm5F cell death
Soo Young Choi1,*, Hyo Sang Jo1, Hyeon Ji Yeo1, Hyun Ju Cha1, Sang Jin Kim1, Su Bin Cho1, Jung Hwan Park1, Chi Hern Lee1, Eun Ji Yeo1, Yeon Joo Choi1, Won Sik Eum1
1Biomedical Science and Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hallym University
Loss of pancreatic モ-cells by oxidative stress or cytokines is associated with diabetes mellitus (DM). DJ-1 is known to as a multifunctional protein, which plays an important role in cell survival. To investigate the effects of DJ-1 against combined cytokine (IL-1モ, IFN-ャ and TNF-メ)-induced RINm5F cell death, we prepared cell permeable wild type (WT) and mutant type (M26I) Tat-DJ-1 proteins. Both Tat-DJ-1 proteins transduced into RINm5F cells. WT Tat-DJ-1 proteins significantly protected against cell death from cytokines by reducing intracellular toxicities. Also, WT Tat-DJ-1 proteins markedly regulated cytokines-induced pro- and anti-apoptosis proteins. However, M26I Tat-DJ-1 protein showed relatively low protective effects compared to WT Tat-DJ-1 protein. Our experiments demonstrated that WT Tat-DJ-1 protein protects against cytokine-induced RINm5F cell death by suppressing intracellular toxicities and regulating apoptosis-related protein expression, suggesting that WT Tat-DJ-1 protein could potentially serve as a therapeutic agent for DM and cytokine related diseases.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on March 16, 2016, Accepted on March 18, 2016]
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