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Analysis of extended haplotype in Korean cattle (Hanwoo) population
Dajeong Lim1,*, Bong Hwan Choi1, Yong Min Cho1, Han Ha Chai1, Gul Won Jang1, Cedric Gondro1, Seung-Hwan Lee1
1Division of Animal Genomics & Bioinformatics, National Institute of Animal Science
Korean cattle (Hanwoo) are categorized into three breeds based on color: brown, brindle, and black. Among these breeds, brown Hanwoo has been subjected to intensive selection to improve meat traits. To identify genetic traces driven by recent selection in brown Hanwoo, we scanned the genomes of brown and brindle Hanwoo using a bovine SNP chip. We identified 17 candidate selection signatures in brown Hanwoo and sequenced four candidate regions from 10 individuals each of brown and brindle Hanwoo. In particular, non-synonymous SNPs in the ADSL gene (K88M, L189H, and R302Q) might have had mutational effects on protein structure as a result of altering the purine pathway during nucleotide breakdown. The ADSL gene was previously reported to affect meat quality and yield in livestock. Meat quality and yield are main breeding goals for brown Hanwoo, and our results support a potential causal influence of non-synonymous SNPs in the ADSL gene.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on April 25, 2016, Accepted on July 27, 2016]
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