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Dual Function of MG53 in Membrane Repair and Insulin Signaling
Tao Tan3, Young-Gyu Ko1,2, Jianjie Ma3,*
1Division of Life Sciences and 2Tunneling Nanotube Research Center, Korea University, Seoul, 02841 Korea,
3Department of Surgery, Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
MG53 is a member of the TRIM-family protein that acts as a key component of the cell membrane repair machinery. MG53 is also an E3-ligase that ubiquinates insulin receptor substrate-1 and controls insulin signaling in skeletal muscle cells. Since its discovery in 2009, research efforts have been devoted to translate this basic discovery into clinical applications in human degenerative and metabolic diseases. This review article highlights the dual function of MG53 in cell membrane repair and insulin signaling, the mechanism that underlies the control of MG53 function, and the therapeutic value of targeting MG53 function in regenerative medicine.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on May 9, 2016, Accepted on May 10, 2016]
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