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Defective Anks1a disrupts the export of receptor tyrosine kinases from the endoplasmic reticulum
Soochul Park1,*
1Department of Biological Science, Sookmyung Women’s University, Chungpa-ro 47gil 100, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-742, Korea
EphA2 has been implicated in amplifying ErbB2 tumorigenic signaling. One protein that interacts with EphA2 is Anks1a PTB adaptor. However, the precise role of Anks1a in EphA2-mediated tumorigenesis is unclear. We demonstrated that Anks1a localizes to the ER upon phosphorylation and that the ankyrin repeats and PTB of Anks1a bind to EphA2 and Sec23, respectively. Thus, Anks1a facilitates the selective packaging of EphA2 into COPII vesicles. Additionally, Anks1a knock-out mice, a phenocopy of EphA2 knock-out mice, exhibited markedly reduced ErbB2-induced breast tumorigenesis. Strikingly, ErbB2 did not localize to the cell surface following Anks1a knock-down in primary mammary tumor cells over-expressing ErbB2. Importantly, EphA2 was critical for stabilizing ErbB2 through complex formation, but its interaction with Anks1a also facilitated ErbB2 loading into COPII carriers. These findings suggest a novel role for Anks1a in the molecular pathogenesis of breast tumors and possibly other human diseases.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on October 31, 2016, Accepted on October 31, 2016]
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