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Worldwide trend of botanical drug and strategies for developing global drugs
Kyungseop Ahn1,*
1Natural Medicine Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Cheongju 363-883, Korea
Natural product drugs, or botanical drugs, are drugs composed of natural substances which has constituent and efficacy. In Korea, government-led projects brought attention to botanical drugs invigorating domestic botanical drug industry. Foreign markets, as well, are growing bigger as the significance of botanical drugs stood out. To follow along with the tendency, Korea puts a lot of effort on developing botanical drugs suitable for global market. However, standards on approving drug sales varies by countries. And also, thorough standardization, scientification, clinical studies and data of these will be required as well as data confirming safety and effectiveness. Meanwhile, as international exchange in botanical drug market continues, importance of plant resources was emphasized, thus countries' ownership on domestic natural resources became vital. Not only establishing systematic method to secure domestic plant resources, but also cooperation with other countries on sharing natural resources is essential to effectively procure natural resources. Korea started to show visible results with botanical drugs, and asthma/COPD treatment made out of speedwell is one example. Sufficient investment and government's active support on basic infrastructure for global botanical drugs will bring Korea to much higher level of botanical drug development.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on December 20, 2016, Accepted on December 20, 2016]
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