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The Chronophin activation is necessary in Doxorubicin-induced actin cytoskeleton alteration
sujin Lee1, Jeen Woo Park1, Beom Sik Kang1, Dong-Seok Lee1, Hyun-Shik Lee1, Sooyoung Choi2, ohshin kwon1,*
1School of Life Science, College of Natural Science, Kyungpook National University,
2Department of Biomedical Sciences and Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hallym University
Although it is known that doxorubicin (Dox)-induced oxidative stress is associated with its cytotoxicity, the precise mechanism remains unclear. Genotoxic stress not only generates free radicals but also affects actin cytoskeleton stability. We showed that Dox-induced RhoA signaling stimulated actin cytoskeleton alterations resulting in central stress fiber disruption at early time points and later cortical actin formation at the cell periphery in HeLa cells. Interestingly, activation of a cofilin phosphatase, chronophin (CIN), was initially evoked by Dox-induced RhoA signaling, resulting in a rapid phosphorylated cofilin turnover leading to actin cytoskeleton remodeling. In addition, a novel interaction between CIN and 14-3-3ユ was detected in the absence of Dox treatment. We demonstrated that CIN activity is quite contrary to 14-3-3ユ binding, and the interaction leads to enhanced phosphorylated cofilin levels. Therefore, initial CIN activation regulation could be critical in Dox-induced actin cytoskeleton remodeling through RhoA/cofilin signaling.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on April 12, 2017, Accepted on May 10, 2017]
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