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Zinc finger Protein 143 expression is closely related to tumor malignancy via regulating cell motility in breast cancer
A Rome Paek1, Ji Young Mun2, Kyeong-Man Hong3, JongKeun Lee4, Dong Wan Hong4, Hye Jin You1,5,*
1Translational Reresearch Branch, National Cancer Center,
2Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Eulji University,
3Omics Core Laboratory and 4Clinical Genomics Analysis Branch, National Cancer Center,
5Department of Cancer Biomedical Science, NCC-GCSP, National Cancer Center
We previously reported the involvement of zinc-finger protein 143(ZNF143) on cancer cell motility in colon cancer cells. Here, ZNF143 was further characterized in breast cancer. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression of ZNF143 in normal tissues and in tissues from metastatic breast cancer at various stages. Notably, ZNF143 was selectively expressed in duct and gland epithelium of normal breast tissues, which decreased when the tissue became malignant. To determine the molecular mechanism how ZNF143 affects breast cancer progression, it was knocked down by infecting benign breast cancer cells with short-hairpin(sh) RNA-lentiviral particles against ZNF143(MCF7 sh-ZNF143). MCF7 sh-ZNF143 cells showed different cell-cell contacts and actin filament(F-actin) structures when compared with MCF7 sh-Control cells. In migration and invasion assays, ZNF143 knockdown induced increased cellular motility in breast carcinoma cells. This was reduced by the recovery of ZNF143 expression. Taken together, these results suggest that ZNF143 expression contributes to breast cancer progression
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on September 5, 2017, Accepted on October 9, 2017]
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