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Gata6 in the pluripotent stem cells enhances the potential to differentiate into cardiomyocytes
Chang-Hwan Yoon1, Tae-Won Kim2, Seok-Jin Koh1, Young-Eun Choi3, Jin Hur3, Yoo-Wook Kwon3, Hyun-Jai Cho3, Hyo-Soo Kim2,3,*
1Cardiovascular Center & Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital,
2Molecular Medicine & Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National University,
3Innovative Research Institute for Cell Therapy, Seoul National University Hospital
The variation among different pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) caused significant differences in the efficiency of cardiac differentiation which is unpredictable at the undifferentiated stage in the absence of adequate indicator.
We compared global gene expression profiles of two PSCs showing a significant difference in cardiac differentiation potential. We identified 12 genes which are related with heart development and up-regulated, and then could narrow down to 4 genes having interaction with multiple genes. Among them, Gata6 is the only gene that was induced greatly and at the early stage of differentiation of PSCs to cardiomyocytes. Gata6 knock-down in PSCs decreased the efficiency of cardiomyocytes production. In addition, we analyzed 6 mESC lines and 3 iPSC lines and confirmed that positive correlation between Gata6 level and differentiation efficiency into cardiomyocyte. In conclusion, Gata6 could be utilized as biomarker to select the best PSC lines to produce PSC-derived cardiomyocyte under the therapeutic purpose.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on September 5, 2017, Accepted on October 30, 2017]
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