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Investigation of functional roles of transcription termination factor-1 (TTF-1) in HIV-1 replication
Ji Chang You1,*
1Pathology, The Cathoilc univeristy of Koea
Transcription termination factor-1 (TTF-I) is an RNA polymerase 1-mediated transcription terminator and consisting of a C-terminal DNA-binding domain, central domain, and N-terminal regulatory domain. This protein binds to a so-called ‘Sal box’ composed of an 11-base pair motif. The interaction of TTF-I with the ‘Sal box’ is important for many cellular events, including efficient termination of RNA polymerase-1 activity involved in pre-rRNA synthesis and formation of a chromatin loop.
To further understand the role of TTF-I in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-I virus production, we generated various TTF-I mutant forms. Through a series of studies of the over-expression of TTF-I and its derivatives along with co-transfection with either proviral DNA or HIV-I long terminal repeat (LTR)-driven reporter vectors, we determined that wild-type TTF-I downregulates HIV-I LTR activity and virus production, while the TTF-I Myb-like domain alone upregulated virus production, suggesting that wild-type TTF-I inhibits virus production and trans-activation of the LTR sequence; the Myb-like domain of TTF-I increased virus production and trans-activated LTR activity.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on February 10, 2018, Accepted on March 17, 2018]
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