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Investigating the role of Sirtuins in cell reprogramming
Jaein Shin1, Junyeop Kim1, Hanseul Park1, Jongpil Kim1,*
1Laboratory of Stem Cells and Cell Reprogramming, Department of Biomedical Engineering (BKplus21 team), Dongguk University, Seoul 100-715, South Korea,
2Department of Chemistry, Dongguk University, Seoul 100‐715, Republic of Korea
Cell reprogramming has been considered a powerful technique in the regenerative medicine field. In addition to diverse its strengths, cell reprogramming technology also has several drawbacks generated during the process of reprogramming. Telomere shortening caused by the cell reprogramming process impedes the efficiency of cell reprogramming. Transcription factors used for reprogramming alter genomic contents and result in genetic mutations. Additionally, defective mitochondria functioning such as excessive mitochondrial fission leads to the limitation of pluripotency and ultimately reduces the efficiency of reprogramming. These problems including genomic instability and impaired mitochondrial dynamics should be resolved to apply cell reprograming in clinical research and to address efficiency and safety concerns. Sirtuin (NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase) has been known to control the chromatin state of the telomere and influence mitochondria function in cells. Recently, several studies reported that Sirtuins could control for genomic instability in cell reprogramming. Here, we review recent findings regarding the role of Sirtuins in cell reprogramming. And we propose that the manipulation of Sirtuins may improve defects that result from the steps of cell reprogramming.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript [Submitted on July 24, 2018, Accepted on July 24, 2018]
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