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ATAD2 expression increases [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose uptake value in lung adenocarcinoma via AKT-GLUT1/HK2 pathway
Tong Sun1, Bulin Du1, Yao Diao1, Xuena Li1, Song Chen1, Yaming Li1,*
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, The first Hospital of China Medical University
[18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT imaging has been widely used in the diagnosis of malignant tumors. ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 2 (ATAD2) plays important roles in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. However, the relationship between [18F]FDG accumulation and ATAD2 expression remains largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between ATAD2 expression and [18F]FDG uptake in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), and elucidate its underlying molecular mechanisms. The results showed that ATAD2 expression was positively correlated with maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), total lesion glycolysis (TLG), glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT1) expression and hexokinase2 (HK2) expression in LUAD tissues. In addition, ATAD2 knockdown significantly inhibited the proliferation, tumorigenicity, migration, [18F]FDG uptake and lactate production of LUAD cells, while, ATAD2 overexpression exhibited the opposite effects. Furthermore, ATAD2 modulated the glycometabolism of LUAD via AKT-GLUT1/HK2 pathway, as assessed using LY294002 (an inhibitor of PI3K/AKT pathway). In summary, to explore the correlation between ATAD2 expression and glycometabolism is expected to bring good news for anti-energy metabolism therapy of cancers.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on February 11, 2019, Accepted on May 13, 2019]
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