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Expression and in vitro function of anti-cancer mAbs in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana
Ilchan Song1,2,#, Yang Joo Kang2,#, Dae Heon Kim3, Mi Kyung Kim1, Ki-Sung Ko2,*
1Department of Pathology and 2Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Korea,
3Department of Biology, Sunchon National University, Sunchon 57922, Korea
The anti-colorectal cancer monoclonal antibody CO17-1A (mAb CO), which recognizes the tumor-associated antigen EpCAM, was expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. PCR and western blot analyses showed the insertion and expression of heavy chain (HC)/HC fused to the KDEL ER retention modif (HCK) and light chain (LC) of mAb CO and mAb CO with HCK (mAb COK) in Arabidopsis transformants. Both plant-derived mAbP CO and mAbP COK were purified from a biomass of approximately 1,000 seedlings grown in a greenhouse. In sandwich ELISA, both mAbP CO showed a slightly higher binding affinity for the target, EpCAM, compared to mAbM CO. In cell ELISA, both mAbsP COs showed binding affinity to the human colorectal cancer cell line SW480. Furthermore, mAbM CO, mAbP CO, and mAbP COK exhibited dose and time-dependent regression effects on SW480 cells in vitro. In summation, both mAbP CO and mAbP COK, expressed in Arabidopsis, recognized the target antigen EpCAM and showed anti-proliferative activity against human colorectal cancer cells.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on April 10, 2019, Accepted on June 13, 2019]
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