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Human transcription factor YY1 could upregulate the HIV-1 gene expression
Kyung-Lee Yu1, Yu-Mi Jung1, Seong-Hyun Park1, Seong-Deok Lee1, Ji-Chang You1,*
1Pathology, The Catholic University of Korea
Gene expression in HIV-1 is regulated by the promoters in 5∏ long-terminal repeat (LTR) element, which contain multiple DNA regulatory elements that serve as binding sites for cellular transcription factors. YY1 could repress HIV-1 gene expression and latent infection (1-4). Here, however, we observed that virus production can be increased by YY1 over-expression and decreased under YY1 depleted condition by siRNA treatment. To identify functional domain(s) of YY1 activation, we constructed a number of YY1 truncated mutants. Our data show that full-length YY1 enhances the viral transcription both through U3 and U3RU5 promoters. Moreover, the C-terminal region (296-414 residues) of YY1 is responsible for the transcriptional upregulation, which could be enhanced further in the presence of the viral Tat protein. The central domain of YY1 (155-295 residues) does not affect LTR activity but has a negative effect on HIV-1 gene expression. Taken together, our study shows that YY1 could act as a transcriptional activator in HIV-1 replication, at least in the early stages of infection
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on August 27, 2019, Accepted on October 11, 2019]
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