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Improved human hematopoietic reconstitution in HepaRG co-transplanted humanized NSG mice
Jae-Hak Park1,*, Jin Kim1,#, Bokyeong Ryu1,#, Ukjin Kim1, Chang-Hwan Kim2, Gyeung-Haeng Hur2, C-Yoon Kim3 (Co-corresponding author)
1Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University,
2The 4th R&D Institute-6, Agency for Defense Development,
3Stem Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Konkuk University
Several humanized mouse models are now being used to study human-specific immune responses and diseases. However, the pivotal needs of fetal tissues for the humanized mice model have been huddled due to the demand for ethical and medical approval. Therefore, we have verified the hematopoietic and immunomodulatory function of HepaRG and developed a new and easy humanized mouse model to replace the use of fetal liver tissue. HepaRG co-transplanted Hu-NSG mice had significantly increased CD45+ lymphocytes and CD19+ B cells and CD3+ T cells than normal Hu-NSG, suggesting enhanced reconstitution of the human immune system. These results have improved the applicability of humanized mice by developing new models that are easily accessible.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on December 14, 2019, Accepted on March 17, 2020]
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