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TCP10L negatively regulates alpha-fetoprotein expression in hepatocellular carcinoma
Suqin Shen1,# (associate professor), Huan Feng 2,# (Graduate student), Longjiang Liu3 (Research worker), Wei Su4 (associate professor), Long Yu5 (Professor), Jiaxue Wu6,* (Professor)
1The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,Zhongshan Hospital and School of Life Science, Fudan University(associate professor),
2The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,Zhongshan Hospital and School of Life Science, Fudan University,(Graduate student),
3The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,Zhongshan Hospital and School of Life Science, Fudan University(Research worker),
4The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,Zhongshan Hospital and School of Life Science, Fudan University(associate professor),
5The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,Zhongshan Hospital and School of Life Science and 6The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,Zhongshan Hospital and School of Life Science, Fudan University(professor)
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is one of the most commonly used and reliable biomarkers for HCC. However, the underlying mechanism of AFP expression in HCC is poorly understood. In this study, we found that TCP10L, a gene specifically expressed in the liver, is down-regulated in HCC and that its expression inversely correlates with AFP expression. Moreover, overexpression of TCP10L suppresses AFP expression whereas knockdown of TCP10L increases AFP expression, suggesting that TCP10L might be a negative regulator of AFP. We found that TCP10L is associated with the AFP promoter and inhibits AFP promoter-driven transcriptional activity. Taken together, these results indicate that TCP10L negatively regulates AFP expression in HCC and that it could be a potential prognostic marker and therapeutic target for HCC.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on January 10, 2020, Accepted on February 25, 2020]
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