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The Golgi complex: a hub for the secretory pathway
Kunyou Park1 (Graduate student), Sung-Eun Ju1 (Graduate student), Nari Kim1 (Research fellow or worker), Seung-Yeol Park1,* (Professor)
1Department of Life Sciences, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, 37673 Republic of Korea
The Golgi complex plays a central role in protein secretion by regulating cargo sorting and trafficking. As these processes are of functional importance to cell polarity, motility, growth, and division, there is considerable interest in achieving a comprehensive understanding of Golgi complex biology. However, the unique stack structure of this organelle has been a major hurdle to our understanding of how proteins are secreted through the Golgi apparatus. Herein, we summarize available relevant research to gain an understanding of protein secretion via the Golgi complex. This includes the molecular mechanisms of intra-Golgi trafficking and cargo export in the trans-Golgi network. Moreover, we review recent insights on signaling pathways regulated by the Golgi complex and their physiological significance.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on December 11, 2020, Accepted on February 9, 2021]
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