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Odorant G protein-coupled receptors as potential therapeutic targets for adult diffuse gliomas: a systematic review
Hee Jin Cho 1,2 (Professor), JaeHyung Koo 3,4,* (Professor)
1Department of Biochemical Convergence Science and Technology and 2Cell and Matrix Research Institute, Kyungpook National University,
3Department of New Biology and 4New Biology Research Center (NBRC), DGIST
Odorant receptors (ORs) account for about 60% of all human G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and the importance of ectopic OR expression has been highlighted as the ORs show distinct functions from odor perception, contributing to disease pathogenesis including neurodegenerative diseases and cancers. Glioma is the most common adult malignant brain tumor and requires novel therapeutic strategies to improve the clinical outcome. Based on genomic characteristics, adult diffuse gliomas are categorized into three subtypes; isocitrate dehydrogennase (IDHwt), IDH-mutant without chromosome 1p and 1q co-deletion (IDHmut-non-codel), and IDH-mutant with chromosome 1p and 1q co-deletion (IDHmut-codel). Here we investigated the OR expression levels in glioma. Although most of ORs are not ubiquitously expressed in gliomas, a subset of ORs displayed glioma-subtype specific expressions. Moreover, through systematic survival analysis on OR genes, OR51E1 and OR2C1were identified potential biomarker to predict unfavorable and favorable overall survival in IDHwt glioma, respectively. In addition to transcriptomic analysis, mutational profiles revealed that somatic mutations in OR genes were detected in more than 60% of glioma patients. OR5D18 was the most frequently mutated OR gene, and OR5AR1 showed IDHwt-specific mutation. Through this systematic review on genomic and transcriptomic profiles of ORs in glioma, we suggest ORs as potential biomarker and therapeutic targets for glioma.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on November 17, 2021, Accepted on November 22, 2021]
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