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Metformin ameliorates olanzapine-induced disturbances in POMC neuron number, axonal projection, and hypothalamic leptin resistance
Jaedeuk Kim 1,# (Undergraduate student), Nayoung Lee 1,# (Undergraduate student), Sang Bum Suh 2,# (Undergraduate student), Sooyeon Jang 1 (Undergraduate student), Saeha Kim 1 (Undergraduate student), Jong Kook Park 1 (Professor), Dong-Gyu Kim 1 (Graduate student), Keun-Wook Lee1 (Professor), Soo Young Choi1 (Professor), Chan Hee Lee 1,* (Professor)
1Department of Biomedical Sciences, Hallym University,
2University of Ulsan College of Medicine
Antipsychotics have been widely accepted as a treatment of choice for psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia. While atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole are not associated with obesity and diabetes, olanzapine, which is associated with metabolic consequences, is still widely used due to the expectation that olanzapine is more effective in treating severe schizophrenia than aripiprazole. To address the metabolic problem, metformin is widely prescribed. Hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons have been identified as the main regulator of metabolism and energy expenditure. Although the relation between POMC neurons and metabolic disorders is well established, little is known about the effects of olanzapine and metformin on hypothalamic POMC neurons. In the present study, we investigated the effect of olanzapine and metformin on the hypothalamic POMC neurons in female mice. Olanzapine administration for 5 days significantly decreased Pomc mRNA expression, POMC neuron numbers, POMC projections, and induced leptin resistance before the onset of obesity. We also found that coadministration of metformin not only increased POMC neuron numbers and projections but also improved leptin response of POMC neurons in the olanzapine-treated female mice. These findings suggest that olanzapine-induced hypothalamic POMC neuron abnormality and leptin resistance, which can be ameliorated by metformin administration, are causes of subsequent hyperphagia.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on February 15, 2022, Accepted on April 22, 2022]
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