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Recent trends in studies of biomolecular phase separation
Chan-Geun Kim 1 (Graduate student), Da-Eun Hwang 1 (Graduate student), Rajeev Kumar 1 (Graduate student), Min Chung 1 (Undergraduate researcher), Yu-Gon Eom 1 (Graduate student), Hyunji Kim 1 (Graduate studentUndergraduate researcher), Da-Hyun Koo 1 (Undergraduate researcher), Jeong-Mo Choi 1,* (Professor)
1Department of chemistry, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
Biomolecular phase separation has recently attracted broad interest, due to its role in the spatiotemporal compartmentalization of living cells. It governs the formation, regulation, and dissociation of biomolecular condensates, which play multiple roles in vivo, from activating specific biochemical reactions to organizing chromatin. Interestingly, biomolecular phase separation seems to be a mainly passive process, which can be explained by relatively simple physical principles and reproduced in vitro with a minimal set of components. This Mini review focuses on our current understanding of the fundamental principles of biomolecular phase separation and the recent progress in the research on this topic.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript [Submitted on June 20, 2022, Accepted on July 20, 2022]
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