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Development of bioinformatics and multi-omics analyses in organoids
Sanguk Kim 1,2,* (Professor), Doyeon Ha 1 (Graduate student), JungHo Kong 1 (Graduate student), Donghyo Kim 1 (Graduate student), Kwanghwan Lee 1 (Graduate student), Juhun Lee 1 (Graduate student), Minhyuk Park 1 (Graduate student), Hyunsoo Ahn 2 (Graduate student), Youngchul Oh 1 (Graduate student)
1Department of Life Sciences and 2Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Korea
Pre-clinical models are critical in gaining mechanistic and biological insights into disease progression. Recently, patient-derived organoid models have been developed to facilitate our understanding of disease development and to improve the discovery of therapeutic options by faithfully recapitulating in vivo tissues or organs. As technological developments of organoid models are rapidly growing, computational methods are gaining attention in organoid researchers to improve the ability to systematically analyze experimental results. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in organoid models to recapitulate human diseases and computational advancements to analyze experimental results from organoids.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on October 7, 2022, Accepted on October 25, 2022]
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