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3D epigenomics and 3D epigenopathies
Kyung-Hwan Lee1 (Graduate student), Jungyu Kim1 (Graduate student), Ji Hun Kim1,* (Professor)
1Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, 34141
Mammalian genomes are intricately compacted to form sophisticated 3-dimensional structures within the tiny nucleus, so called 3D genome folding. Despite their shapes reminiscent of an entangled yarn, the rapid development of molecular and next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) has revealed that mammalian genomes are highly organized in a hierarchical order that delicately affects transcription activities. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that 3D genome folding is implicated in diseases, giving us a clue on how to identify novel therapeutic approaches. In this review, we will study what 3D genome folding means in epigenetics, what types of 3D genome structures there are, how they are formed, and how the technologies have developed to explore them. We will also discuss the pathological implications of 3D genome folding. Finally, we will discuss how to leverage 3D genome folding and engineering for future studies.
Abstract, Accepted Manuscript(in press) [Submitted on December 27, 2023, Accepted on March 18, 2024]
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